Monday, 30 September 2013

Intial ideas for our music video

For this particular project we have been given the task of creating a 2-3 minute music video, using a song from an unisgned band. To find an unsigned band which shall not be well known, as a group we accessed onto to which we had a variety of genres and artists to choose from. We wanted to use a song which contanied lyrics that could be easily analysised and would help to give us a wide range of ideas for a music video. After choosing the band Scar and their song as long as you know, we then started to develop our ideas on this particular song and started to plan our storyboards.


  • Beard
  • Black clothing
  • Chains/studs/peircing
  • Bald wig
  • Ripped jeans
  • White dress for young female in shot

In a situation that makes him less masculine ( unsterotyped), however this is only showing him in this way in his dream.He will be doing some activties which will be rather unusal to his style and hobbies
  • Pillow Fights
  • Painting each other nails
  • Lady and Tramp moment ( eating a meal together)
  • Having a Bubble Bath
Geek Character

This character would first be shown within the music video as the main gutarist, however later on during the video this character would then start to be developed as a geek style character who would be based on the main character from the video " Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheetus. He would be a character shown to the audience as someone who is pushed around by others and who is shown up by the jock style characters. However during the " dream" style scenes the geek character would be put in a rather unlikely sitaution with the young female in question. We would have the two character in his room where she would come across as being rather dominate when in comparison with the geek character.
  • Geek character would be thrown around by female ( he is too busy doing homework)
  • He helps her with her homework and akwardly kiss
  • Both practicing a chemistry experiment ( apply smoke machine)
Jock character
This character would be shown as the main singer within the band section, however during the process he will change into a " Jock" style character who every girl within the high school dreams about dating. He comes across as being someone who is rather " cocky" and someone who rather loves himself. We would base this character on the glee character " Noah Puckman". This character would then be put in a situation with the young female, here are a few that have been considered
  • Cinema
  • Horse back riding
  • Meal
  • Picnic in the park
  • Movie day
Emo/Goth style character
This charater will first be shown as the main bass player within the band. The first shot of him as the new character ( emo) will be him in a room by himself listening to some heavy rock metal. His hair, clothing and makeup will help to give an indication to the audience members what style of character he is, an edit could be used here where this main character is standing in the middle of the room and the people around him are moving quicker and more swiflty than he is. This could help to show how the charater is feeling at that certain time ( isolated?). He would be put in a sitaution with the female where both character would be at a classical concert or an opera, which helps to show the comical side of the music video as this is something which no emo or goth would attend.

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