Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Lighting to be used on days of shooting

Altman 360Q Ellipsoidal Spotlight, 750 Watts - 55 Degrees (120-240VAC)
The Altman 750 Watt Ellipsoidal Spotlight is a compact, lightweight ellipsoidal reflector spotlight with 6" front lens which produces a high intensity sharp, or soft edged beam. Four adjustable integral stainless steel framing shutters provide beam shaping ability and the pattern slot and holder provide the ability to project visual images. Primarily designed for theatre and studio applications.This model has a wide 55° field beam spread. It can provide a beam of 56 footcandles 31 feet in diameter from 30 feet away.Its bulb socket is a 2-pin type. Models providing different beam spreads, and models with built-in irises are available.
  • This ellipsoidal is also useful in displays, show windows, museums and nightclubs where precision controlled accenting is desirable.
  • The reflector has over 700 mirror polished surfaces which optimize the optical system for greater light output and a sharper, more controlled focus.
  • Aluminum die-cast and sheet metal construction.
  • Replacement of bulb requires no tools.
  • Single focal length models are an economical choice, when compared to zoom ellipsoidals.
This certain style of lighting will gbe used mainly during the scenes on day 2 inside, this is because we felt that as this certain style of lighting had a strong, powerful light it would be able to create a high definition shadow around the actor within that certain area, giving it  a more rock style and feel to it. We are hoping to balence this certain light on a plank of wood across a table to make the light relfect from the bottom of the actos face creating a dark shade on his face.
NSI / Leviton Par 38, Black (120VAC)
The NSI Par 38 is a low cost, versatile lighting fixture designed for diverse applications. Intensities and beam spreads are a function of the bulb selected for use in the fixture. One unit can serve multiple purposes simply by changing the bulb. With an oval shaped beam, the Par 38 is ideal for use in concerts, nightclubs, television and film remotes and architectural applications where maximum flexibility is desired in a small, compact package.
The smaller size of the Par 38 offers maximum flexibility.
Baked black enamel finish
360° fixture rotation
Bulb replacement requires no tools -- accepts flood or spot bulbs with E26 screw base, up to 150 watts.
We hired three of these style of lights as they are small and light to carry around, we shall mainly be using these lights on day 1 to exhentuate the main band members facial expressions and the lighting around them. As these lights will mainly be used on day 1 of shooting , we shall be outside which means that these will only be used specifically in the darker areas of the chosen location.
 The ULTRA extension cord allows the user to reduce the weight carried on the head by disconnecting the battery pack from the headband and carrying it in a pocket or connecting it to the ULTRA harness
We felt that some extension cables shall be needed rather alot during the shoooting days, as if we were further away from a location that prefered and we needed a stronger light then this style of cable we come in rather handy to still allow us to have the prefered lighting that we orginally wanted without having to move lighting.

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